Marvellous! I've been checking back every week or so and was starting to lose faith that you'd ever reappear. You may (if you're easily pleased) be happy to know your blog inspired me to start collecting way back in May - 377 to go.
Joe you really should get on with this. And while you're at it cut your hair - I know it doesn't need doing now but it will do and I wanted to get in first.
The latest posts appear at the top of the page, so if you want to read from the beginning you should use the Archives links below and start at January 2005.
Marvellous! I've been checking back every week or so and was starting to lose faith that you'd ever reappear. You may (if you're easily pleased) be happy to know your blog inspired me to start collecting way back in May - 377 to go.
Anonymous, at 11/01/2007 8:29 pm
get on with it!
Baz, at 11/02/2007 7:03 am
Aye - come on lad - Danny is racing ahead of you - but is he employing the same stringent criteria?
Anonymous, at 11/07/2007 8:16 am
Good to see you're still around Joe - remember I can still probably help out with some of the missing ones!
All the best!
Anonymous, at 11/08/2007 1:56 pm
Joe! Joe! Have you seen the time?
Anonymous, at 11/08/2007 11:24 pm
the clock is ticking
Baz, at 11/10/2007 4:02 pm
Joe you really should get on with this. And while you're at it cut your hair - I know it doesn't need doing now but it will do and I wanted to get in first.
Anonymous, at 12/04/2007 1:36 pm
Well, you cut your hair, anyway.
Anonymous, at 12/13/2007 5:11 pm
it needs cutting again
Baz, at 12/17/2007 3:26 pm
Joe you do really need to start doing this again.
Anonymous, at 1/04/2008 1:34 pm
How soon is "soon"?
Anonymous, at 2/17/2008 8:38 pm
How soon is now? Hang on, that didn't go to number one, did it?
Rish, at 7/11/2008 3:27 pm
Nope, but "I'm Still Waiting" and "Tired Of Waiting For You" did.
Anonymous, at 8/05/2008 7:04 am
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